Bronwyn Shortt

Bronwyn Shortt is a dedicated and passionate member of the Victorian Equestrian community. She owns and runs Desert Sands stables with her partner, Anthony March where she specialises in breeding and competing warmblood performance horses.
Bronwyn has generously assisted at so many major events including multiple years at PSI Dressage & Jumping with the Stars, Jumping Victoria State Titles and the Victorian Dressage Festival.
Her other roles are numerous and have included managing officials, VIP marquee hosting, organising stabling, camping, catering, equipment hire, and coordination of equipment and travel, along with being a judge for the Young Ambassador of the Year selections and Vice President of the Northern Vcitgoran Show Jump Club, including coordinating their show. Bronwyn is also a current Victorian Riders Representative for Jumping.
All of the above has encompassed hundreds, if not thousands, of volunteer hours and, duties often involve interstate travel to make sure everything is in place.
Every event Bronwyn has run or been involved with has become bigger each year.
Bronwyn is mentoring a young junior member and makes sure she is always available to help in the practice ring and to debrief after each round. She is passionate about the sport of show jumping and is happy to jump in and fill a gap when she sees a need. She will be the first one to volunteer and is quite often the last to leave after an event, making sure everything has been packed up.
Bronwyn and her partner also sponsor many events and have donated food, jumps and money to multiple clubs. She is passionate about local small agricultural shows and shows her support by competing and also donating rugs for best presented, sponsoring a class and volunteering her time helping organise jumps, sometimes even driving them to the event.

Fiona Hawkes