Kate Pither has been a competitor and coach in Australia and overseas for the past 30 years. Competing at World Cup level she went on to compete in Europe and the US. On returning to Australia she was based in Sydney where she coached the next wave of national talent. More recently Kate has set up a base in Gisborne, Victoria, and continues to develop elite eventers and show jumpers, and all those with the love of the horse and the desire to jump!
Kate Pither’s students’ results are numerous, from World Cup level to Interschool and Adult Riders, and including top level eventing.
Kate is a unwavering when it comes to the horses’ welfare and her philosophy is the kindest thing you can do for the horse is to ride it well. As such Kate is meticulous about her craft and explaining to her students what she is assessing, so that we may learn the finer details that elite riders consider. Whether it be assessing the fit of the tack to the rider’s position, the horse’s movement, to the fist pole or a 160cm round; all of the basics are set with pursuit of perfection. When coaching she shares her knowledge with wonderful enthusiasm and generosity, and is never too concerned with the clock. Kate always keeps lessons interesting and has buckets of inspiring jumping stories that she shares with her students.
However underpinning the laughs, Kate is a clear communicator and can express very clearly what the rider need to do in any given moment and in a way that her students understand. Kate is always delighted at her students’ successes whether it be a “penny dropping” moment or winning a class. Kate is known for her ability to make students believe in themselves. Kate genuinely knows how to progress rider through the grades.
During Covid, Kate was again meticulous about her procedures but over and above set up a Facebook community when she would share EV updates, training videos, ask students to share horse selfies, share stories, encouraged riders to take part in online competitions. Students then shared their rounds for all the community to engage, support and encourage each other.
Kate demonstrates a positive image of coaching by always putting the horses welfare first, being meticulous about her craft, sharing her knowledge with perfect basics first, providing clear communication, positivity, and patience and balancing this with knowing when to stretch a student out of their comfort zone.
- Results and performance of athletes/teams coached by the nominee
- Level of competition – state, national and/or international
- Contribution to the wider coaching community within their sport - mentoring, etc.
Before casting your vote we’d like you to get to know our finalists by reading their profiles below.
You’ll also need your membership number, so have it handy when you’re ready to make your selections. We also ask that you look at the criteria listed for each category and use these points to make your decision – remember, it’s not about just being a nice person!
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You must have been a financial member at some point during the period 2020/2021 membership year to be eligible to cast a vote. You are only able to submit ONE voting form per category. The following will be deemed void and will be removed:
- duplicate votes in a category by the same member
- unfinancial members (as per time period above)
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