Peter Fischer

Peter has recently become an accredited Level 2 Dressage specialist coach and has international level experience in Europe.
Living in Germany for 45 Years he had the advantage of working with and riding under some of the biggest names in dressage like Klimke, Balkenhohl, Werth, just to name a few.
The 8 year long journey you have to go though to become a “Pferdewirtschaftsmeister” (master of equine industry) involves studying ALL aspects of the horse industry. This process has characterized Peter’s way of training and coaching and has made him understand why the correct way of training is so important.
Back in Germany Peter trained and competed a number of Horses to Grand Prix level himself as well as helping riders and their horses in all levels to reach their potential. In Australia Peter has successfully competed to Inter 1 level.
Peter’s philosophy in his training and coaching is always PRO HORSE and following the German Training Scale. He is very firm on establishing the basics and strengthening the horse. He believes this will get the rider further with a healthier horse!
His students of all levels benefit from Peter’s expertise to teach each combination to their individual needs. They are successful through all levels. Most recently with placings at the CDI in Sydney from young horse to FEI.
Outstanding students include successful rider Maddi Growcott who has achieved numerous championships and placings at FEI level, being reserve champion rider in the 2021 Marcus Oldham Challenge (previously known as the Aachen Challenge) along with other riding achievements at PSI Dressage & Jumping with the Stars, Boneo Autumn Dressage, Vic Youth Championships, Boneo CDN, and Sydney CDLite 2021.
Whilst Peter prefers to fly under the radar most of the time, you only need to attend major events with him to see how highly regarded he is by riders, judges and other coaches alike. He is personable and has value to offer on all levels from riding through to coaching and judging.
Outside of Covid, Peter spent every weekend travelling around Victoria, Tasmania and other parts of the country for regular coaching commitments. He is extremely passionate about rider education and following the Training Scale. He is committed to his students and is always keen to share his knowledge on all topics and has been known to call himself a ‘Life-Long Learner’. During COVID he has demonstrated his ability to move with the times and provide online lessons.
Whilst Peter is often thought of as an “unassuming” professional his qualifications are outstanding having recently acquired his EA coaching certification to go with his international qualifications.
- Results and performance of athletes/teams coached by the nominee
- Level of competition – state, national and/or international
- Contribution to the wider coaching community within their sport - mentoring, etc.
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You must have been a financial member at some point during the period 2020/2021 membership year to be eligible to cast a vote. You are only able to submit ONE voting form per category. The following will be deemed void and will be removed:
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