Peter Gardiner

Peter Gardiner has been involved with horses in some capacity all of his life. Growing up in a family with a great horse history led Peter to join Findon Pony Club & Hunt Club, then pursue Showjumping and subsequently develop a passion for showing.
Even after his children moved on from the sport Peter continued to be involved with Show Horse in the form of ‘giving back’ to the sport.
Peter has been committed to working at the grass roots level & doing the hard yards being a committee member and part of event management for all of his adult life. His appointments include:
- Sunbury Pony Club – Committee Member & District Commissioner
- Sunbury Agricultural & Horticultural Society – Committee Member
- EV Show Horse Committee – Committee Member for over 20 years – retired 2013
- EV Show Horse Committee – Chairman 2006 to 2013
- National Show Horse Committee – Chairman
- EV Measurer – over 15 years
- Appointed EV Chief Measurer 2007
Peter has judged at every level of horse show from agricultural shows to Royal Shows in all states of Australia and in Auckland, New Zealand, Horse of The Year shows across Australia for both Equestrian Australia and Show Horse Council of Australasia.
Peter has had a predominant role in the EA Australasian Show Horse and Rider Championships, including the instigation of the inclusion of New Zealand riders.
Now in his early 70’s, Peter only retired from the role of EV Show Horse Chairman in 2013 due to health issues. Peter is still fighting the health battle, but this has not worn away his interest in Show Horse in anyway or his willingness to assist when and where required if he is able. Peter is still an EV Measurer and continues to measure whenever requested.
Before casting your vote we’d like you to get to know our finalists by reading their profile.
You’ll also need your membership number, so have it handy when you’re ready to make your selections. We also ask that you look at the criteria listed for each category and use these points to make your decision – remember, it’s not about just being a nice person!
When you are ready to cast your vote, simply click on the VOTE NOW button.
In considering the award of Lifetime Service an individual should have demonstrated significant, sustained and high quality service contributing to the improvement, quality and accessibility of equestrian sport, Consideration should be given to the following:
- Length of involvement in the sport
- Initiatives developed or involved in which contributed to the enhancement of the sport
- Significant mentoring to share knowledge
- Time volunteering
- Demonstrated approachability and integrity
You must have been a financial member during the 2020 membership year to be eligible to cast a vote. You are only able to submit ONE voting form per category. The following will be deemed void and will be removed:
- duplicate votes in a category by the same member
- unfinancial members (as per time period above)
- invalid or incorrect membership numbers