Fiona’s mother is founding member of Heytesbury and she has continued on with large proportion of the volunteer work for the club her whole life. Whilst her boys have been riding members they are no longer and Fiona continues to fulfill the role of club DC and committee member to ensure the club and events continue to occur. Passionate and hardworking – you will find no other with the commitment she has.
Fiona works a family business (transport), family farm, at least 2 competition horses, 3 teenage boys, supports local football and everything Heytesbury Pony Club and Heytesbury Horse Trials needs.
She completes a large proportion of ground work, long hours driving the tractors, organising friends and associates in the area to assist. In recent years Fiona drives a school bus and in between school runs spends months at the club doing everything you could possibly think of. As well as this she drives long hours for Coach Tours. For many years she held the Event Secretary role as well as all the physical work. It is nothing for her to complete upto 70 hours a week preparing the grounds for competition for weeks on end. When the event is short a dressage judge she has stepped in at last minute. Fiona has judged at other EA events and is readily available to others to assist.
Fiona’s contribution ensures the event and club continues. Without her drive, passion and enthusiasm it would be left behind. People like Fiona are the reason others come on board and contribute. Her knowledge of horses, eventing and people is amazing and she is so respected by all in the equestrian world. She is an amazing coach, instructor rider and role model for any inspiring equestrian. She has empathy and compassion.
Fiona was a recipent of the South West Sports Assembly Volunteer Award in 2019.